83 Days before GABF. That is just over 11 weeks. We will start to see a lot of new beer going into the GABF season. There will be updates and descriptions on all the new beers regularly. This is a great time to review your beer knowledge as we will have some of the biggest beer fans and aficionados descending on our great city for a 5 day orgy of beer drinking and celebrating. We are located only 4 block from the GABF venue which caters to nearly 40,000 beer drinkers in 3 days. Last year we saw over 3,500 guest at Euclid Hall in 3 days. If you don't feel ready, lets talk about how we can get you ready.
We have a handfuls of new unique beers. Here are tasting notes on these gems, if you have any questions please ask me. These will be added to our cellar list and will only be available while supplies last. Enjoy.
Sobrehumano Palena 'Olo
6.%ABV 12 oz can
(Maui, Hawaii) / Jolly Pumpkin (Dexter, Michigan) Collaboration with Hawaiian
Lilikoi and Michigain Tart Cherries
A: Pours a hazy deep bronze with a modest
head and minimal lacing.
S: Mild hops, caramel malts and mild fuity
tartness that smells of both, passion fruit and tart cherries.
Slightly sweet malts with tart fruits and a solid hop bitterness.
M: Medium-light in body with adequate
carbonation and a slightly sweet and tart finish.
Pairings: This would be great with a Chopped
Salad, Spatzle, Crabwich, Cheese plate, Chips and dip, and would go nicely with
Waffle Ice Cream sandwich and the Lemon Meringue Pie.
Head Indian Brown 7.2%ABV 12 oz bottle
Head Brewing Co, Milton, Delaware
This is the original hybrid. A cross between a Scotch Ale, an India
Pale Ale and an American Brown, Indian Brown Ale is well-hopped and malty at
the same time.
A: Pours a dark brown, nearly black color
with a robust tan head that leaves thick lacing.
Aromas of bittersweet chocolate, coffee and brown sugar with a hint of
nuts. This beer has a complex
bouquet of aromas that finish with earthy and herbal hops.
T: Rich malts up front followed by mild
piney, earthy hops in the end.
Coffee and bitter chocolate.
M: Medium- Light bodied with a rich and
creamy texture and lively carbonation that feels soft rather than prickly.
Pairings: Waffle Ice Cream Sandwich, Brat Burger,
Sausages, Tri Tip.
Head Positive Contact - Imperial Witbier (Collaboration with Deltron)
Head Brewing Co, Milton, Delaware
300 lbs of organic Fuji apples = total addition of 25 gallons of fresh
pressed cider
4lbs. of cilantro
Overall, Positive Contact is characterized by its bright spritzy cider
character and autumnal herbal quality derived from the cilantro, cayenne, and
A: Pours a lightly hazy golden color with
a lofty creamy white head that offers a rich lacing on the glass.
Sweet and malty up front, apples, Belgian Wit yeast, bananas, and mild cayenne.
Creamy apple, citrus, mild herbal cilantro meets modest smokey cayenne and
Belgian yeast characteristics.
Medium bodied with light-med carbonation and a creamy texture with a dry
Pairings: This is a great food beer. Try this with goat cheeses, Kampachi
Crudo, Crabwich, Chicken Sandwich, Salads, Eggplant Talleggio.
Stave Surrette Reserva Sour Saison 6.2%ABV 750mL
(Barrel Aged Surrette)
Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project Denver, CO
A: Pours a rusted orange color with a
modest white head
S: Tartness up front. Lots of bright fruits blend with mild
funk and delicate oak.
T: Again bright fruits, mild funk and
hints of wood.
M: Light-Med (thin) and creamy with a
crisp finish. This is an
incredibly finessed beer.
Pairings: Crabwich, Weisswurst, cheese, Chicken
Sandwich, Salads, Chips and Dip
Belgium /Lost Abbey Brett Beer American Wild Ale 7.5%ABV 22oz
Belgium Brewing Co Ft. Collins, CO & Lost Abbey Brewing Co. San Marcos CA
A: Pours a hazy light golden straw color
with a thin white head.
Grainy and tropical fruity hops (pineapple, lemon zest, mango) with a delicate
Brett funk.
T: Bready malts and ripe fruits with a
perceived sweetness, mild earthy funk
Medium- light bodied with a creamy texture and active carbonation.
Pairings: Salads, cheese plate, crabwich,
weisswurst, chicken sandwich
Oude Gueuze LE, 750ml, 5.5%, Gueuze
A: Sustained pop from the cork, wispy
gunsmoke from the bottle. Pours a hazed glowing orange, tinged with pastel
yellows on the outer edges. Frothy white suds around the rim, not especially
sticky, settling to a thin ring at the edges. Second pour, a finger of white
foam seemed to last for a bit longer. Swirling brings a momentary congregation
of sparkly, soapy bubbles, that leave as quickly as they came. This stuff is
charged like champagne, nonstop streams of carbonation.
S: Lactic aromas of Greek yogurt, also
white wine, lemon, and minerals. Slightly funky but seemingly mild in that
department. Second pour yielded some wet hay and musty barn blanket notes.
T: Sharp lemon sourness, wet stone
minerality, crabapple, some tannic oak dryness in the finish. Nothing off about
this, it's clean with prickly champagne carbonation, feels somewhat light, not
far off from Boon Oude Gueze with a bit more lemon sharpness to it. Easily
drinkable and particularly quenching in hot summer weather.
M: Feels light and effervescent with a
strong lingering finish
D: Overall fantastic Gueuze that’s
lively, bright, and explodes with flavor.
Pairings: This funky, complex gueuze is not
for everyone. We recieved only 6 bottles so getting this to the right
people is key. Think to pair it with delicate yet complex foods like the
mussels, scallops, grilled cheese, cheese plate, and possibly veal schnitzel.
Boulevard Love Child #2 American Wild
Ale 9.6%ABV 750mL
Boulevard Brewing Co, Kansas City, MO
A: Pours a hazy reddish brown color
with an off white head and delicate lacing.
S: Light tart cherry, lemon balm ,
vinegar, oak, vanilla, and bourbon.
T: Sour cherries, lemon tartness, wild
funk, followed by rich fruity and toffee malts finishing with wood, vanilla and
bourbon .
Medium bodied with adequate carbonation and a puckering sourness and intensely
dry finish.
Pairings: Cheese, oysters, salads.