We have talked about SRM before and with these charts and links to more information, the SRM color scale should be pretty understandable.  The big question is: "Why is the SRM color scale important to me?"  The answer is simple.  It is just one piece of the puzzle when looking at a beer on 'paper'.  With a standardized measurement of color appearance, you can quantify it and visualize how a beer will look in a glass.  

Wikipedia in depth explanation of the SRM color scale.
More Detailed Color Chart

Although we don't talk about SRM when we discuss beers with our guests, if you see this on any test or in the vitals for a beer, you will understand it when you come across it.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  As GABF approaches, if you are working on Cicerone tests, lets start to really prepare.  There is only just over 5 weeks before the festival.

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